Friday, September 12, 2008

Communicators of Achievement

Well, NFPW has a new Communicator of Achievement to join the ranks who have earned the honor before. Actually, we have two.

This year, the organization awarded a posthumous COA to Cary Herz of New Mexico, who died earlier this month. Cary learned of the honor just weeks before her death. The members of the New Mexico delegation accepted Cary's pendant and other gifts on behalf of her family.

Clara Cartrette, a founding member of the North Carolina affiliate is our co-2008 COA. Clara began working in the women's department of the Whiteville News-Reporter 47 years ago. Now, she's the news editor with no plans to retire.

Our COA runner-up is Judi Buehrer of Colorado. Judy wasn't in Idaho. She's recuperating from a week in the hospital being treated for Rocky Mountain spotted fever.

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